Working through your Lessons

Your "Statistics" Tab shows you how much of the assigned lesson you have completed and your rate of accuracy. Although we do not assign any grade for your course, we do ask for a minimum 60% completion and accuracy rate to receive the Certificate of Course Completion.

Getting to 100%

If you always like to get 100%, the following tips will help you accomplish that goal. To get the best numbers in your "Statistics":


Each lesson includes three dialogues that serve different purposes. Work with the dialogues in the order in which they are presented to gain the most benefit.

The Discovery Dialogue is the first dialogue. It introduces the expressions you will learn in the lesson. There are no wrong responses in this dialogue. Each response turns the conversation in a different direction. For 100% completion of this activity, practice the dialogue with all possible responses so that you will discover all of the variations.

The second is the Expression Dialogue. Here, too, there are several possible responses to each question. The purpose of this Dialogue is to process what you learned in the Discovery Dialogue and to practice speaking. Again, for 100% completion, practice with all possible variations of the dialogue.

The third dialogue is the Comprehension Dialogue. Here you must choose the correct answer and respond with it orally. This dialogue reinforces all the skills you have learned in the lesson by linking production with comprehension.

Exercises and Activities

Many exerices and activities offer you the option of seeing the correct response. If you choose to do so, you get no credit for that activity. If you want a high completion and accuracy rate, do not ask for the answer. Instead, try again to answer correctly. If you ask to see the answer, points for accuracy and completion are deducted. Try other resources first, such as right-clicking on the word to check its definition, or returning to the Discovery Dialogue to find a model.

Click here for advice about choosing your learning activities.

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