
Italiano Principiante - A1

Beginning Italian 1

Benvenuti al corso! Welcome to your course!

The Tell Me More program Italian, Everyday Situations A1, All Skills forms the basis of the following lessons. The course develops your ability to understand and to express yourself verbally and in writing. You will speak Italian confidently with activities to perfect your pronunciation and improve your command of Italian grammar.

Pyramid - Rome
Pyramid, Rome
You will learn Italian words for everyday objects and expressions for practical situations such as meeting people, buying clothing and finding your way around in the city. You will be able to describe yourself and your family, say where you come from and describe routine activities.

Click here for more information on how to begin work with your course.

Lezione 1. Presentazioni

Introductions. In this lesson, you learn to introduce yourself and say where you are from. You'll learn vocabulary for nationalities and languages and so you'll be able to find out where someone else comes from, too. You'll learn common greetings and good-byes.
  • Saluti
  • Paesi, nazionalità, lingue
  • L'ausiliare "avere"
  • L'ausiliare "essere"
  • I pronomi personali soggeto
  • La negazione
  • Greetings
  • Countries, nationalities and languages
  • The verbs "avere" (to have) and "essere" (to be)
  • Subject Pronouns
  • Negation

Lezione 2. Pronunciare l'italiano

Pronouncing Italian. In this lesson you will learn how to pronounce Italian words, how to pronounce doubled consonants and how to spell.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Stagioni e mesi, necesità, capacità, difficoltà
  • Grammatica. L'alfabeto, i verbi impersonali
  • Vocabulary. Seasons and months, talking about necessity, capacity and difficulty.
  • Grammar. The alphabet, impersonal verbs
Lezione 4. Abitudini e gusti
Habits and Tastes. Learn how to talk about your habits and tastes. How do these show themselves throughout the course of your day? Learn how to explain it with terms to describe time and frequency.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Stagioni, momenti della giornata, frequenza, alimentazione e divertimenti
  • Grammatica. L'articolo determinativo, i nomi maschili e femminili
  • Vocabulary. Seasons, parts of the day, frequency, foods and amusements.
  • Grammar. The definite article ("the"), nouns in masculine and feminine genders

Lezione 5. Chiedere informazioni

Ask for information. Learn to ask for information or directions. Learn the Italian words to describe parts of a city.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Senso, distanza, definizione della posizione, luoghi e strade nella città
  • Grammatica. L'articolo indeterminativo, "c'è" e "ci sono," gli avverbi e le preposizioni di luogo
  • Vocabulary. Direction, distance, definitions of position, places and streets in the city
  • Grammar. The indefinite article ("a" or "an"), "there is" and "there are," adverbs and prepositions of place

Lezione 6. Una conversazione

A Conversation. Practice chatting and improve your ability to communicate by asking and answering simple questions about the activities you enjoy.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Gusti e carattere, attività di divertimento, vita sociale
  • Grammatica. Gli aggettivi qualificativi, presente indicativo dei verbi in "-ire" (due forme)
  • Vocabulary. Tastes and characteristics, pastimes, social life
  • Grammar. Adjectives, present tense of verbs ending with "-ire" (two conjugations)

Lezione 7. Presentarsi

Introduce yourself. Now that your vocabulary is much richer than when we began, you can add details when you introduce yourself. Now you can tell something about yourself, such as your age, where you come from and your family.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Famiglia, identità, età
  • Grammatica. "essere" e "avere," la negazione e l'articulo indeterminativo
  • Vocabulary. Family, identity and age.
  • Grammar. The verbs "to be" and "to have" and the indefinite article

Lezione 8. Descriversi

Describe yourself. In this lesson you will begin to learn how to describe yourself by naming parts of the body, articles of clothing and using basic adjectives. In the process of growing your vocabulary you will also review some basic rules of grammar.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Parti del corpo, tipi di vestiti, orientamento, posizione
  • Grammatica. L'articulo determinativo, i nomi maschili e femminili, i pronomi personali soggeto
  • Vocabulary. Parts of the body, types of clothing, orientation and position in space
  • Grammar. The definite article, gender of nouns, subject pronouns

Lezione 9. Numeri e alfabeto

Numbers and the Alphabet. Here you will learn how to express simple arithmetical calculations and to spell words. You will also learn ways to describe your physical position.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Comunicazione orale, zona, spazi, stanze, riferimenti temporali
  • Grammatica. Contare e compitare, "c'è" e "ci sono," presente indicativo dei verbi in "-are"
  • Vocabulary. Oral communication, zones, spaces and positions, time expressions
  • Grammar. Count and spell, "there is" and "there are," the present indicative of verbs ending with "-are"

Lezione 10. Data e ora

Dates and Times. Learn to say the time, the day, the date, the season and how long something will last.

  • Famiglie lessicali. I mesi, i giorni, le stagione, l'ora, la data
  • Grammatica. Le preposizione articolate, come dire l'ora, l'esclamazione
  • Vocabulary. Months, days, seasons, telling time and dates.
  • Grammar. Prepositional articles (contractions of a preposition and an article), telling time, exclamations
Lezione 11. Oggetti e animali

Objects and Animals. Vocabulary for everyday objects and animals is so important in building the ability to speak fluently. That's what you will learn in this lesson, along with some descriptive adjectives.

  • Famiglie lessicali. Animali, allogio, mobili
  • Grammatica. Gli aggettivi possessivi, presente indicative dei verbi in "-ere," l'imperativo, i pronomi personali complemento tonici
  • Vocabulary. Animals, lodging, furniture.
  • Grammar. Possessive adjectives, present indicative of verbs that end with "-ere," the imperative and stressed pronoun complements
Lezione 12. Aggettivi

Learn more animal names and describe them (and yourself) in detail with adjectives.

  • Famiglie lessicali. Disprezzo, sole, caldo, fredo, neve, sentimenti, carattere, quantità, velocità
  • Grammatica. Gli aggetivi quantificativi, il superlativo absoluto, la forma interrogativa
  • Vocabulary. Disapproval, sun and heat, snow and cold, feelings and characteristics, quantity and velocity
  • Grammar. Adjectives expressing quantity, the superlative and interrogatives
Lezione 13. Festa di benvenuto

Welcome Party. Learn to exchange introductions in a social situation. Talk about where you come from and tell how long something has gone on or will last.

  • Famiglie lessicale. Famiglia, identità, vita sociale, concienza, ricordo, dimenticanza
  • Grammatica. Forme pronominale composte, l'imperfecto di "essere" e "avere"
  • Vocabulary. Family, identity, social life, thinking, remembering and forgetting
  • Grammar. Pronominal verb forms (verbs combined with pronoun prefixes), the past tense of "essere" and "avere"

When you have completed Lezione 13, take the Language Achievement Test in Tell Me More. You will find it on your TMM Homepage by clicking the "Tests" tab. This assessment becomes available when you have completed thirty-six hours of practice with Tell Me More.

Congratulations on your new level of proficiency! Let your instructor know whether you want your Language Achievement Test outcome entered on your Certificate of Course Completion.

Level A1

This is a level defined by the Common European Framework as follows:

At level A1, the learner is a beginner who can ...

...understand and use very elementary vocabulary and phrases to satisfy basic needs,

... introduce oneself and others and provide information such as nationality and age,

... interact with others in a simple manner provided with a sympathetic speech partner who speaks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

Beginning Italian 1

Beginning Italian 2

Intermediate Italian 1

Intermediate Italian 2 (Professional Situations)

Video Program